
We are proud to announce that 2025's chosen charities are:

  • Slough outreach

  • A contribution t0, Cippenham Royal British Legion's,'Raise the Roof' campaign.


Each year Cippenham Carnival aims to give donations to two local charities, from money raised at the carnival. These charities are nominated by the Carnival Committee.

Slough Outreach

Slough Outreach is a coordinated outreach for homeless and families in need, in Slough. Running daily outreach sessions for anyone in need of hot food, refreshments and essentials.

These outreach sessions are only possible due to the generosity and support from the kind and compassionate volunteers and their community partners.

Slough Outreach

We are pleased to announce that we were able to hand over a cheque for £500 to Shin Dhother, from Slough Outreach. This money will go to helping those in need in the Slough area.

Even with the terrible weather we had this year for carnival, we were able to raise money for such a worthy cause. This was possible due to all of those who attended Cippenham Carnival this year, all the stall holders and all of our amazing volunteers who give their time to organise, set up and clear up before, during and after the event.

Cippenham Royal British Legion, Raise the Roof Campaign.

The Cippenham Royal British Legion club was formed on 23rd September 1948. The club is run by the club committee, who are all unpaid volunteers. The club is not part of the RBL charity and is a self-funded C0-operative and Community Benefit Society. The club lease the building from the RBL and under the terms of the lease are required to pay for all repairs.


Over the years the condition of the building have deteriorated not just from wear and tear, but also from vandalism. The club is in desperate need of repairs to the roof, car park, perimeter walls, toilets and the front doors need replacing to be DDA compliant, enabling access for disabled and vulnerable members and visitors.

The club is the home of Slough's Poppy Appeal and also a fun family friendly social club open to all. They offer a wide range to different events and is also available to hire for private functions.

Cippenham RBL

Over the past couple of months, our defibrillator has been fitted and registered! It is available to use by any member of the community in an emergency.

In emergency call 999, they will provide the code to open the defibrillator box and access the device. Anyone, even those with no medical training can use the defibrillator as all instructions are in the box and the 999 operator will also help guide you through the process.

By using a defibrillator you can increase the chance of survival from a cardiac arrest by 50=70%.

Cippenham Community Carnival will be responsible for the upkeep and replacement parts required for the device.

Charities from previous years.

Over the years we have supported different charities including the Samaritans and Thames  Hospice.


Samaritans have over 200 branches across the Uk and Ireland, offering 24-hour emotional support, 365 days of the year. Their vision is that fewer people die from suicide.

Thames Hospice  offer world-class palliative and end-of-life care to people aged 16 years and over, as well as wellbeing and emotional support for the whole family.

Mind Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire Mind is a mental health charity with a vision that everyone with mental health problems gets support and respect. They promote well-being and respect, offer talking therapies and provide support in time of crisis.

Defibrillator at RBL

A defibrillator has now been purchased for the Cippenham RBL. This is for use of anyone in the local area.  A defibrillator could help to save the life of anyone who suffers a cardiac arrest and is only 5-10% compared to 50-70% with a defibrillator.

British Heart Foundation Samaritans Thames Hospice Mind
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