A warm welcome to this years confirmed attendees!
Arena line up:
11 am -
11:30 am -
12 pm -
12.30 pm -
1 pm -
1.30 pm -
2 pm -
2.30 pm -
3 pm -
Stalls/Attractions Attending:
Slough Outreach will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries, such as:
The Dogs Nobody Wants Sanctuary, a non-profit organisation that help/look after disabled and terminally ill dogs.
Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space.
Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure.
Cippenham Royal British Legion.
Offer a fun, family friendly environment to enjoy drinks with family and friends. Lots of events throughout the year including: Tribute nights, Bingo Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons, family fun days, table top sales and much more.
Guides is a relaxed, welcoming space where you can have fun, learn and be yourself with good friends from 10 to 14 years old.
Classic Car Show
Our Classic Car Show will be returning again this year, with an even wider range of classic, vintage and super cars to view.
Interested in showing your car......then contact Daryl on: 07971258375
If you wish to show your car, please arrive between 8.30am and 10.30am.
A fee of £2 per car is payable on the day to enter for
"Best in Show"
Raising funds for life saving research. Offering practical advice on everything from symptoms and screening to coping after treatment.
Kelly's Donkeys
Offering donkey rides throughout the day.
Kelly/s Donkeys provide healthy, happy donkeys to hire, for rides, assisted-therapy, parties and events all over the country.
Traylens will be bringing a selection of Fun Fair rides. Fun for all the family.
We are an all-male Morris side with a mixed band, est. 1961 and dance in the Border tradition!